Skyrim thieves guild redone
Skyrim thieves guild redone

skyrim thieves guild redone

But mostly she wanted to help those that couldn’t protect themselves, like the orphans and poor and innocent. She finally returned to Skyrim so that she could explore the world of her parents (maybe even find out who they were) and learn more about where she came from. Iduna spent the next decade or so trying to survive in various other provinces. Constance gave it to Iduna and apologized that she didn’t know who her parents had been. Luckily, a young woman named Constance Michel hid it from the horrible Grelod the Kind until my character was old enough to consider running away. (Some SPOILERS ahead and throughout this post also I don’t care how lore-friendly this RP was, it was fun!) The only thing she had to her name when she was brought to the Honorhall Orphanage was a silver necklace with the initials “With Love, GD” on the back. Iduna was born in Riften in 4E 176 to a Nord woman, who died birthing her. One of my favorite playthroughs was as the long lost daughter of Gallus Desidenius. No? Just me? Well, no matter if you want to give your soul to Nocturnal, or try and find all those treasures Mercer left behind, there are plenty of mods for you. If you mean Thieves Guild Altewrnate Routs - Taking Care of Business Mod that's my primary TG mod right now so compatability with that would be a must.Who doesn’t love a good thief playthrough? Sneaking around, stealing sweetrolls, trying to convince Brynjolf to have time for you.

skyrim thieves guild redone

for example the Nightingale content is o nly currently available by doing Destroy the THieves Guild not Disband the Thieves Guild or, if I wanted to do the questline using the Alternate Routs mod perhaps make so you can still arrest or exile Maven, Maul, and af ew others under the right conditions.Īdd taking care of buisness and you have a major overhaul, Make options ot do certain quests independently or in different orders/combinations.

skyrim thieves guild redone

make comparability patches for Thieves Guild Requirements and Thieves Guild Alternate RoutsĤ. Change the configuration options to use an MCM instead of powers or console commandsģ. Merge the two in to a isngle mod so ast o keep bo th of their edits to any and all quests.Ģ. OK Destroy/DIsband the THieves GUild is a really go o d pair of mods but ther eare a few thigns I'd really like to see done (mind y ou I"m no t sure if htis is viable whethe rit be lack of interest or permissions from bruce182 who has since abandoned the mods) ther eare just a few things t hat I'd like to see doneġ.

Skyrim thieves guild redone