After learning it was an accident, he cools down, and instructs Ai to find Apollo at The Roost. Resetti after being accidentally pushed into Apollo's flowerbed by Yū.

The next day, Ai ends up in an altercation with Mr. Yū offers her a gift of a cockroach, which she rejects and screams. Whilst walking home, a spider lands on Ai's forehead, which is caught by Yū.

Ai continues her deliveries until the end of the day.

Whilst delivering a box of pies to Alfonso, Ai meets the other human inhabitant of the village, Yū, who is chasing a peacock butterfly. Kapp'n drops her off outside of the Town Hall, where she meets Pelly and Mayor Tortimer.Īi begins working for Tom Nook delivering packages to the other villagers. A girl named Ai travels in Kapp'n's cab to Animal Village, a far away town.